
  • EliteWriterPro+ (ऍलीटराईटरप्रो+) EliteWriterPro+ is a Calligraphic Designing Software which helps us in creating unique designs in our favorite designing Software for Advertisements, Flex Board, Banners, Bungalow Names and Wedding Cards without any special training. Read more...

  • EliteWriterPro (ऍलीटराईटरप्रो) EliteWriterPro is Unicode compliant Multilingual typing which helps us typing in indian languages using a regular English keyboard without any special training. Read more...

  • EliteFontConverter (ऍलीट फॉण्ट परिवर्तक) EliteFontConverter tool is used to convert Legacy Indic font to Unicode font and vice versa as well. This tool is very useful to convert your Krutidev, Devlys, Chanakya or any other legacy hindi Font to Unicode Mangal Font. All website uses Mangal font for display Hindi content. Newspaper and Magazines uses Chanakya font for Printing and publishing. Read more...

  • EliteProof EliteProof is a complete web based fully integrated and modular software for publishing industry. It is design to reduce the cost and time of peer-review, proofing and correction process. EliteProof is an real-time application which allows the user to add comments to the document in a real-time threaded conversation. It also allows to accept comments from multiple reviews and create final draft of the proof. Read more...

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